Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Episode 252 - Always Five, Acting As One

It's Glenn's turn to spotlight this week, and he's chosen to look at something that reminds him mainly of school holidays, sat in front of the television - it's the repurposed Ninja Science Team Gatchaman, sanitised and shortened for the benefit of Soccer Moms everywhere - Battle of the Planets!

We'll be taking a look at the adventures of the fearless young orphans of G Force, and their battles with the evil Spectra and ther leader Zoltar, who totally, completely had a sister. It wasn't him. No, really.

We'll also have some Toy Fair news, as well as all of the other things that held our interest over the last seven days, so join Glenn, Becca, Paula and Sam as they protect Earth's entire Galaxy.

Dedicated! Inseparable! Invincible!

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We've only gone and done it again...

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