Welcome, Watchers of Illusion, to the Castle of Confusion, or BTTE Towers as we all know it. It's a bit of a special one this week, as we're joined by an actual, proper DUNGEONEER from one of our favourite TV programmes from the 80's (and indeed, EVER), KNIGHTMARE.
His name his Giles, and he's lovely. He tells us all about his experiences on the programme, traversing the various dungeons of the castle (and by dungeons, we mean a blue screen room in Anglia studios), and what it was like meeting Treguard the Dungeon Master, amongst other great stories!
There's also a smidgin of news to go through this week, and a question from one of our lovely listeners, so join us won't you, and remember, it's only a game...isn't it?
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Any chance of getting this republished?